Wednesday, March 9, 2011

DS Game Roll-Up

Thank goodness for my Nintendo DS. It kills time like no other. This being said, I needed a purse-friendly way to house some games so I can take it with me to the airport. Usually I just keep them in a tiny crocheted bag that I whipped up a few years ago, but that thing is beat. So, I made this out of some scrap fabric!
It doesn't look like much until....
Enough pockets for four DS games and one Gameboy Advance version of Tetris. My time will be well spent while I'm waiting for flights!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Book Cover

My best friend lives in Germany. I've gone to visit her once, and am going again in less than two weeks! My Grandpa had been there back in his Navy days, and picked this book up somewhere along the way.
He passed it on to me, since I don't speak a lick of German. I didn't have it last time I went, and this time I really want to take it but was concerned that it would get destroyed in my purse.
Hopefully, this will help.
I sewed a book cover! Complete with a pocket on the front to hold cheat sheets of phrases like "Do you have any vegetarian options?" since I'm sure that wasn't a common enough phrase to stick in a book fifty years ago. I also added an elastic band to hold the book shut so none of the pages get bent or torn while in my bag.