Friday, February 11, 2011

Overdue Update

I'm disappointed that I haven't posted more stuff this week, but I've been so stinking busy! I've had 3 custom orders on Etsy since Monday (yes!) which are officially all finished and shipped as of today. The biggest one was an order for 24 Owl Pops, which doesn't sound like much, but considering I can only do 4 at a time... yeah, it was a lot! But I finished right on time and they looked pretty stellar. See?
I don't know about you, but I would be pumped to get a box full of chocolate/ peanut butter owls in the mail! And you can by placing orders on my Etsy store! (A girl's got to promote herself, right?)

I also got to go on a mini-adventure earlier in the week. I typed an address into my GPS so I could go buy clay for work, and I selected "Street" instead of "Ave" for street name, and go figure, it took me about 20 minutes out of the way from where I wanted to go. I finally got there, but across the street I noticed this:
I've been to the Clay Place a zillion times and somehow never noticed this church! It is directly across the street from them. Kind of awesome, isn't it?

I've been shopping a few times this week as well, mostly for supplies for projects. I had to go buy candy for the owls, and fabric for my next project:
I am making alphabet mini-quilts, similar to my Quilted Coasters, for a friend who is expecting her first baby in April! There will be one block for each letter, and some awesome nature-inspired details throughout.  I am really looking forward to this project since I have some more freedom with it than I did for the last quilt. Should be fun!

I want to be clear for this next portion: I never spend money on myself. I'm always making things to sell and give as gifts, but it is extremely rare that I make something with the intention of keeping it. Then I ended up at Michael's. I really should take a chaperone when I go there, because I got a little out of control this time.
Granted, everything I got was on clearance! And these things had to have been specifically made for me, because I can't imagine who else would buy this stuff! C'mon. There was a pirate cutlass, a sewing charm set, a giant awesome royal looking key, a Japan themed set, a London themed set, a Travel themed set, and then a Victorian themed set, which I'm not sure if you can tell from the photo, but it includes two chairs. Little known fact: I am obsessed with furniture design. Mostly, the design of things you sit on. Furniture design was my inspiration for going to college.
There are a few charms missing from that photo because as soon as I got home, I made this:
I've recently started wearing necklaces. I typically never do because I'm crazy allergic to most metals, but this one is perfect! See those silver chains? They're actually just silver string! A-mazing. Whoever thought of that is brilliant and my new favorite person. And the charms that I put on it are perfect for me:
From right to left: Tokyo, Airplane, Big Ben (the clock, not the Steeler!), Camera, Eiffel Tower, and Scissors.
I've been to Tokyo, I fly everywhere to see my best friend, I'm going to London next month, I take pictures everywhere I go, I've been on top of the Eiffel Tower, and that last one... yeah, I use scissors a lot. That one will get replaced once I find a Cuckoo Clock charm to represent Germany! I want to get a charm to represent each place I visit for the rest of my life. Hopefully one day my necklace will weigh a ton.

Today I bought some more for myself. I filed my taxes and got a crap refund, but I couldn't even help myself. I went to a fabric store in the Strip District today and I find myself never wanting to go to Joann's again. This place has an amazing selection of fabrics and I could've easily spent a million dollars and a million hours in there!

I couldn't decide between the pink or the white, so I clearly had to buy both. It was a bit more expensive than I'm used to, but I love it!

Today I also got some candy flavoring oils. More options for the Etsy shop, since apparently I'm a chocolatier now!
Personally, I'm really excited for the Coffee flavor. I'm taking a break from candy making tonight, but maybe tomorrow I'll test it out!

Super long post for a super eventful week. I'm going to try to get back on track with posting daily, so be on the look out!

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