I also got to go on a mini-adventure earlier in the week. I typed an address into my GPS so I could go buy clay for work, and I selected "Street" instead of "Ave" for street name, and go figure, it took me about 20 minutes out of the way from where I wanted to go. I finally got there, but across the street I noticed this:
I've been to the Clay Place a zillion times and somehow never noticed this church! It is directly across the street from them. Kind of awesome, isn't it?
I've been shopping a few times this week as well, mostly for supplies for projects. I had to go buy candy for the owls, and fabric for my next project:
I am making alphabet mini-quilts, similar to my Quilted Coasters, for a friend who is expecting her first baby in April! There will be one block for each letter, and some awesome nature-inspired details throughout. I am really looking forward to this project since I have some more freedom with it than I did for the last quilt. Should be fun!
I want to be clear for this next portion: I never spend money on myself. I'm always making things to sell and give as gifts, but it is extremely rare that I make something with the intention of keeping it. Then I ended up at Michael's. I really should take a chaperone when I go there, because I got a little out of control this time.
Granted, everything I got was on clearance! And these things had to have been specifically made for me, because I can't imagine who else would buy this stuff! C'mon. There was a pirate cutlass, a sewing charm set, a giant awesome royal looking key, a Japan themed set, a London themed set, a Travel themed set, and then a Victorian themed set, which I'm not sure if you can tell from the photo, but it includes two chairs. Little known fact: I am obsessed with furniture design. Mostly, the design of things you sit on. Furniture design was my inspiration for going to college.
There are a few charms missing from that photo because as soon as I got home, I made this:
I've recently started wearing necklaces. I typically never do because I'm crazy allergic to most metals, but this one is perfect! See those silver chains? They're actually just silver string! A-mazing. Whoever thought of that is brilliant and my new favorite person. And the charms that I put on it are perfect for me:
From right to left: Tokyo, Airplane, Big Ben (the clock, not the Steeler!), Camera, Eiffel Tower, and Scissors.
I've been to Tokyo, I fly everywhere to see my best friend, I'm going to London next month, I take pictures everywhere I go, I've been on top of the Eiffel Tower, and that last one... yeah, I use scissors a lot. That one will get replaced once I find a Cuckoo Clock charm to represent Germany! I want to get a charm to represent each place I visit for the rest of my life. Hopefully one day my necklace will weigh a ton.
Today I bought some more for myself. I filed my taxes and got a crap refund, but I couldn't even help myself. I went to a fabric store in the Strip District today and I find myself never wanting to go to Joann's again. This place has an amazing selection of fabrics and I could've easily spent a million dollars and a million hours in there!
I couldn't decide between the pink or the white, so I clearly had to buy both. It was a bit more expensive than I'm used to, but I love it!
Today I also got some candy flavoring oils. More options for the Etsy shop, since apparently I'm a chocolatier now!
Personally, I'm really excited for the Coffee flavor. I'm taking a break from candy making tonight, but maybe tomorrow I'll test it out!
Super long post for a super eventful week. I'm going to try to get back on track with posting daily, so be on the look out!
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